Plug-in Installation Notes
- Before Launching EV
- Seems obvious, but here it is
anyway: make sure you're installing this plug-in into
Velocity Override's
plug-in folder, NOT classic EV's!
- You MUST remove ALL OTHER
PLUG-INS that may be installed, especially cheater plug-ins
for EVO. The B5 plug-in is all but guaranteed to conflict with any
plug-in that don't come with this archive.
- Install the contents of the
folder "Required Install", specifically Babylon 5 Plug-in
v2.5, parts (a) and (b). A picture will come up if you only
install part (a), but if you install (b) by itself, you'll have to
figure out what's wrong by yourself.
- Don't rename any of the files,
if possible. If for some reason you absolutely have to, make sure
part (b) comes after part (a) when viewing by name. If it
doesn't, the aforementioned failsafe will override the correct
resources in part (b).
- You may optionally install the
files stored in "Optional Install" into the plug-ins folder; see
components for
description of these files.
- Increase the RAM allocation for
EVO in the application's Get Info window (see
example); 19500 KB
(!) is the amount we used during testing. Anything less will
result in insufficient memory for EVO to load.
- It is highly recommended that
you read the full documentation included with this archive at some
point, especially when you're experiencing difficulties. Do not
expect a reply if your question has already been answered in the
- After Launching EV
- Start a new pilot file.
ever use a pilot file that was used before installing the B5
plug. We recommend
starting a new pilot file even if you have one that was created
under v2.0 to v2.1 of the plug-in, to ensure maximum compatibility
(a couple of new missions cannot be obtained if you've
completed a certain mission already available in v2.0, for
example). You may wish to move all of your previous pilot files to
a new folder, say "Older Pilot Files", to avoid
- Like the normal Override
universe, you must work your way up the ladder of life,
accumulating wealth and combat skills. This could take some
- We recommend backing up your
pilot files regularly, perhaps after completing every mission, in
case something... unexpected...
(like getting trapped in Vorlon space!)